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Prayer For February 7th

February 7, 2015

hope for the broken

Hello, Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Dear Lord,

We thank you for seeing us through another week. Father, there were so many disturbing things in the news. So many things that just seem so unbelievable…so much evil, pain and suffering…and more things that seem to divide us, instead of uniting us. Lord, we pray for your wisdom. Your word tells us to pursue wisdom. Your wisdom and knowledge are more valuable than rubies or gold.

Please, give us wisdom to know how to live in these troubling times. Give us your wisdom to hear your voice clearly so we make good choices and so we are not led astray. Grant us your wisdom so we can live in this world, yet not be of it. Lord, we ask for you to help us do more than just go through the motions of living or being a Christ follower… help us not to settle for anything less than  an authentic, intimate relationship with you. Help us to become strong emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Help us to not grow complacent or tired of well doing. Help us to remember there is more than this life and we are only passing through. Help us to break through the numbness, pain and isolation that so many among us feel. Help us to live a life filled with Christ’s passion.

May our hearts yearn for you. May we not be overcome with despair or worry as we see so many troubling things in the world. May we find refuge and peace as we immerse our minds in your Word. May we find comfort as we pray and praise you. May we live in expectancy…may we live knowing that you could come at any time…may we not be caught off guard, but be steadfast as we wait on you. Help us to keep looking up, to  pray without ceasing and to release everything into your loving care. Go before us in this new week, Lord. May we grow daily into the people who you want us to be. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Blessings be upon you!

In His love,

©Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted

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