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Prayer For Nov. 8th

November 8, 2016


Hello, Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Dear Heavenly Father,

We ask that you go before us today…we ask for your peace and grace to fall upon us…this is such an important day in the lives of Americans and ultimately what happens today, will impact the world at large…we don’t yet know what tomorrow may hold, but we know that you hold tomorrow and every day after that in your hands…You are The Bright and Morning Star…The Alpha and Omega…The Great I Am…before you every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that you are Lord…every chain will be broken…every captive set free…justice and truth will prevail and all that has been hidden will be revealed… the old things will pass away and you will reign forever.

Lord, may we never take for granted what a privilege it is to vote and to choose our leaders…the people running may not always be our first choices…our system may be flawed…the people running are human, so we know they will be flawed..but so many live in countries where they do not have the right to vote…they do not live in freedom…they do not have a voice…

Father, you have heard the prayers for this election that have been lifted up by millions of people around the world…you know the things that cause us distress and give us pause…you know better than any of us, what the outcome of this election will mean either way…you see all that is hidden and happening behind the scenes …you know the truth from the lies and the heart and motives behind everything that is said and done…you know better than any of us what needs to be done to make things the way they should be…

Father, we can’t make people see what they don’t want to see…we can’t make people understand if they are not open minded…we can’t make anyone do anything…but we can pray… we can ask for wisdom…we can ask for help to speak your truth in love…we can humble ourselves and intercede for our world, for our  country, for our leaders, for our citizens and for our friends and family…help us to remember we do not fight against flesh and blood…we fight against the spiritual forces of darkness in realms we can’t see…for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, they know this is not just an election, this is a spiritual battle of epic proportions.

Lord, we humble ourselves before you and we ask you to do what only you can…you tell us where two or more gather, you are in the midst…when we don’t have the words to pray, we know your Holy Spirit intercedes and we pray that He will interpret all that is in our hearts at this moment…Lord, we commit this day and all that is in it to your hands…we thank you that Christ is the solid rock on which we stand and it is in His name we ask these things. Amen.

May you feel His comfort and peace today!

In His love,

©Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted

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  1. Rose Daley permalink
    November 8, 2016 10:48 am


    Sent from my iPhone



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