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Prayer for October 4th

October 4, 2014

hope for the broken hearted

Hello, Friends! Here is today’s prayer…

Dear Lord,

You tell us, if we hunger to come unto you because You are the Bread of Life. You tell us if we thirst, to come unto You because You are the Living Water. You tell us if we are tired and weary, to come unto You and You will give us rest.

You tell us if we are troubled, to come unto You and You will give us Your peace.  You tell us that You will supply all of our needs, according to Your riches in Glory through Christ Jesus. You tell us to not let our hearts be troubled or afraid because you are with us.

Oh, Lord, how easy it is for us to forget your promises and commands when the worries and sorrows of the world come against us. We listen to the lies that are whispered to us by the enemy. We lose our sight and have tunnel vision and we only see the problems around us and not the bigger picture that You see.

Father, help us to remember Your word. Help us to remember  to seek your perspective and not rely on our own.  Help us in our weakness. Please continue to renew  our heart’s and mind’s so they will be more like Christ. Help us to grow in you, so that our first response is trust…not fear or worry.

Lord, please go before us today. For every fearful, stressed, hurting or worried mind, we ask to find release and peace. Please heal and provide as only you can.  We ask that you draw us into close fellowship with you today, Lord.  In the  name of Jesus we pray, Amen

Wishing you a relaxing and stress free weekend!
Blessings, hugs and love,

©Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Lynnette permalink
    October 4, 2014 10:03 am

    Bless you Miss Debbie! This prayer is a Rhema word for me today! I know too much of God’s word to be stressed and crying like I’ve been lately, but I can’t seem to stop as nothing has improved! I know God’s answer must be right around the corner, but I just can’t see it now. Thank you for praying for us!


    • October 7, 2014 11:41 am

      Lynette, the Lord knows and understands that we are frail and become battle weary…we all have days where things get to us…but when we falter, we just call on Jesus and He carries us…in my own life, I’ve seen God delay the answers and provision to my needs and circumstances, just so I could change my attitude…so I could learn not to fear, not to stress, to depend on Him and trust Him despite the circumstances…sometimes, the only thing that changed was my attitude, but that was enough to change everything. I am praying for you Lynnette! Hugs and love to you, Debbie


  2. October 4, 2014 7:30 pm

    I always find comfort in your prayer posts. Thanks a lot for sharing these lovely words.


  3. James Kostelniuk permalink
    October 5, 2014 10:41 am

    Lovely photos. Where do you get them?


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