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Prayer For Sept. 30th

September 30, 2016


Hello,Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Our Father,

We thank you for hearing our prayers. There is much that is troubling in our world and in our lives, but your Word says, “Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.” Another verse in John tell us, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!”
Lord, today we would like to lay before you all the things that are troubling us so we won’t be stressed, worried or burdened …we ask to  be filled with your peace as we give our troubles to you.

We ask you to take all of our fears, our financial needs, our loved ones who are in trouble, our marriages, our children, our health issues, the health problems of our friends and family, our broken hearts, our relationship issues, our lack of jobs, the economy, our political leaders, the election, all the natural disasters, all the tragedies, the wars and conflicts, our frustrations, our loneliness, our fear of the future, our anxieties, the evil that terrorizes the world, our addictions, our weaknesses, our failures  and our unspoken needs…Lord, we give you everything that is beyond our control and everything that we are helpless to change…we give you all of our troubling thoughts and burdens and we ask to exchange them for your peace. We leave all these things in your hands and ask that your will be done.

We ask to be filled with comfort and assurance as we recognize that you are in control… you are on your throne…you  are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end… if You tell us not to be troubled or afraid, then we know that it is possible to do that with your strength and power!Lord, we ask for your light to shine forth in the darkness, to lead and guide us. We pray that Your light will shine in our lives so that others will be drawn to You. We thank You for the answers to prayers that are on their way. We thank You for the works You are doing in our lives and in the world at this very moment. Thank You, Lord, for being all that we will ever need. We praise you. In Jesus’ name we ask these things. Amen

Blessings be upon your day!
Much love in Him,

©Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted
One Comment leave one →
  1. Rose Daley permalink
    September 30, 2016 8:27 am

    Amen Glory be to God forever

    Sent from my iPhone



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