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Daily Prayer for November 3rd

November 3, 2012


Hello, Everyone! Here’s the prayer for today…

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your steadfast love for us. Thank you that you are with us, even until the end of the earth. Lord, many here are struggling with where you are in their circumstances. They don’t see the answers they are seeking and so they think that you are not with them. I was reminded tonight of how often throughout your word it seemed like you did not hear or answer the cries of your servants. Surely as Daniel entered that den of lions, it looked like you did not hear and were not going to answer. As Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego entered that fiery furnace, it surely looked like you had not heard their cries. As your apostle John was placed in boiling oil, it surely looked like you had not heard the prayers for his safety. Yet, in each of those situations you not only heard their prayers, you answered in miraculous ways. You let everyone know that you were Lord and God and fully in control. You rewarded your faithful ones with an assurance that you had been there all along and that you had a better plan than to set them free when they asked. You had a greater purpose for their circumstances and through it all you increased the faith of those that loved you, because they saw your faithfulness.

Father, we ask for deeper faith. We ask for quiet confidence that is sure beyond a doubt, of your love and care for us. You hear us when we pray. Even when we are so brokenhearted that no words come, you see our tears and collect them in a bottle. To collect them, you must see them as they fall…you are right there… through every heavy sigh we utter and through each sleepless night, where we just moan, “God I need you”. Lord, we know that the enemy is prowling around and seeking to devour us, our faith and our hope. He longs to have us turn from you and believe that your promises mean nothing. Lord, we pray for each person who is doubting and wondering tonight. May they remember that you are the God that takes what was meant for harm and you make it good…You closed the mouths of lions for Daniel…you were in the fiery furnace with those three brave young men…you had a plan for John…you wanted him sent to that island so he could write the book of Revelation…you bring good out of horrific circumstances and unimaginable pain….but we have to be willing to trust you, to be able to see your goodness.

Father, give us fresh eyes to see, and new ears to hear. Help us to patiently wait… even in the fiery places, knowing that our redeemer lives and your promises are true. Things are never as simple as they seem and you will never leave us in the fire longer than we need be. You have your eye steadfastly on us even as a refiner has his eye on gold as he removes the impurities. Your goal is to see us reflecting Christ…not to destroy us. Lord, I pray for each grieving, weary, worried heart that is praying, that they will feel a touch from your Holy Spirit even as we pray and that they will not pull away, but cling tighter to your hand. May they have a greater sense of who they are in you and just how much you love and care for them. We know you are working things out for their good even as we pray. Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Wishing you a blessed day today!

Much love,

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Wendy permalink
    November 3, 2012 11:46 am

    Thank you , I agree In Jesus Name Amen! God Bless!


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