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Daily Prayer for November 16th

November 16, 2012


Good Morning, Everyone! Here’s today’s prayer…

Dear Heavenly Father,

We want to ask this morning that you calm the hearts of your children who are in distress in places like Israel and countries in the Middle East. We have heard from many today that live there and they are anxious and scared Lord. You see them and hear them and you know them by name. We pray that they would feel your presence with them, comforting them through the long hours and endless nights, as the bombings and fighting surrounds them. We pray for protection for them Lord. We pray for the families who have lost loved ones. We pray for those who have been injured. We ask for your comfort in their grief and loss.

We pray for the people who are fighting to protect their loved ones and the lives of innocent civilians. We ask for protection for them Lord. Father, we hear people pray for peace around the world and we know that is a nice sentiment, but you have clearly shown us in your word how things will be until you reign forever. Lord, please strengthen everyone and give them courage for the things that lie ahead. Help us to remember we are only passing through here and one day there will be no more fighting or differences or wars…there will be eternal peace in your presence.

Lord, help us to delight ourselves in you. Help us to be diligent and vigilant with our time and how we do things. Let us seize the day that is before us, making the most of what gifts you have given us. Help us to take nothing or no one for granted. May the things going on in the world, drive us to our knees in prayer and not to worry and despair. Help us not to be apathetic. Help us not to waste time on things that just don’t matter in light of eternity. Help us to realize that we are disciples and Christ followers, before we are anything else. May our faith be the thing that influences our decisions and defines who we are. We struggle against principalities and darkness in this life…we have seasons of lack and times of affliction, that are not caused by anything we’ve done wrong…many times it’s a sign we’ve done something right that causes us such opposition from the enemy who wishes us harm. Help us to remember that we have a divine inheritance that is coming…you are our portion and we our yours, forevermore.

Lord, please pour your grace upon us. We ask for your mercy. We ask for forgiveness. We ask for every gift that you have for us, that we might know you better and serve you well. Please go before us this weekend. Be with our loved ones and keep them safe and please reveal yourself to them and us, in ways you never have before. We love you and worship you Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

May the Lord’s peace be upon you!

In Him,

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Marilyn Ray permalink
    November 17, 2012 8:35 am

    Thank you for your prayers each and everday. They reach so many and with them come Nourishment of the word and God’s love for each and everyone of around the world. God Bless You All…


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