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Daily Prayer For November 17th

November 17, 2012


Blessings to you! Here is the prayer for today…

Dear Lord,

We lift up to you all the children who have been harmed in the Middle East the last few days. Sadly, there is much innocent blood that is being shed and many families that are in mourning at this moment. We pray for the children that are orphans and are fending for themselves in impoverished countries. We pray for those who are enslaved and held against their will in many lands and for many evil reasons. We pray for the abused and the bullied. We pray for the children everywhere, who do not know what it is like to have a full tummy or a safe home. We pray for those who do not know what it is like to feel loved and cherished. We pray for those who are ill or disabled. Lord, we lift our voices together and pray for the children everywhere. We know they are dear to your heart and we are asking for your protection and we are asking for the ones who are desperate and dying that they will see your hand reaching out to them in the darkness and that they will feel your closeness. Lord, please be their deliverer. Please make a way of escape for them to end their suffering we ask in the name of Jesus.

Lord, there have been so many tragedies in the news as of late…the people in a parade in TX that were hit by a train, the people who are still suffering from the hurricane Sandy, the flooding in Italy, the fighting in Israel…the earth and your people are crying out in pain Father and we know we need our Savior more than ever. There are many hurting souls that need to know of you…there is a great harvest of souls that needs to hear the good news,but the workers are few. Help us Lord to comfort those we meet, with the comfort we’ve received. Help us to share the gospel with those that don’t know you. Help us to reach out to those in need, knowing that some of them are angels in disguise and help us to remember that as we do unto “the least of these”, we do it as unto you.

Please draw us ever closer to you Father. You don’t give us extra strength or grace to carry over till tomorrow…you want to have daily interaction with us… so you only give us enough of what we need to get through the day. You designed us and created us with a great need for you…our trials remind us of that need. For those who are struggling trying to do everything on their own strength, may they find gentle reminders that you are there. Please go before us this weekend Lord. May there be peaceful, relaxing moments spent with you and with those we love. Help us to rise above the stresses and cares and the pains and the illnesses and help us to find that place of peace and contentment as we focus on you and your great love for us and your amazing grace that made our blind eyes to see. We love you Lord and thank you for giving us another day to serve you. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Standing in the gap for you friends. I read your needs and see your prayer requests. You are being lifted to our Father. You are not alone and you are loved!



2 Comments leave one →
  1. November 17, 2012 11:04 pm

    Sometimes when I pray, I don’t look at the big picture; I just see my own little bubble around me. Your prayers are so helpful in allowing me to see more clearly the people who are in need all over the world…Thank You! Agreeing in prayer with you so much!


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