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Daily Prayer For December 9th

December 9, 2012


Hello, Everyone! Here is today’s prayer…

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today we come together and we ask that you would help those who struggle with things that are out of our control. We can’t force people to make good decisions, Lord. We can’t make others love us or treat us right. We can’t make others see the need for you or the destructiveness of their actions.  We can’t heal ourselves or those we love who have illnesses. Only you can do these things, Lord.

Sometimes we lose hope because we show faith and we keep knocking and asking and believing with all of our hearts and sometimes our prayers aren’t answered. We ask with pure motives …and surely asking for someone to be delivered or healed must be your will…and we don’t understand and become confused when our prayers aren’t answered.

Help us to remember that our prayers are not about us getting everything  just right and saying just the right words… and if we just have enough faith, then surely you will answer…what you’ve shown us is that prayer is about surrendering to Your will. It’s about letting go of our expectations and desires and praying “not my will, but Thy will be done, Lord”.

Lord,we pray that you will help each of us to trust you with our circumstances and our loved ones and with every need we bring to you. We hand control to you Lord. You tell us in your word that ALL things work together for good for those who love you and are called according to your purpose. We believe that Lord and we know that includes everything we are going through and dealing with now. We are weak Lord, but we know we can get through anything with your strength and your power.

We give you our worry, anxiety and fear and we trust the outcome of everything we are praying for to you… You will work this for good… regardless of how things look, feel or seem right now. We want you to decide the outcome that is best for each of our situations. We give you all of our cares, problems and pain and lay it all at your feet…these things are all in your hands now and we surrender to your will Lord, knowing that you want only the best for us. We know that you give only good gifts to your children. We trust you Lord and we pray that we all will truly feel your peace, as we let go of our expectations and wait for the miracles that will come from trusting you. We love you Lord. We praise you. We ask these things in Jesus Holy name, Amen.

Blessings be upon you all!
Much love in Him,

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