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Daily Prayer for January 8th

January 8, 2013


Hello, Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Our Father,

As we come together today, Lord we ask for help to make good choices in our lives. So many times we make decisions from a place of panic, anger, depression, hopelessness and many other places that are based on feelings. Many times when we are viewing things through the lens of emotion it can skew our perceptions, the truth and our vision.

Lord, there are many people who have contacted me in the last twenty-four hours who are suicidal. They see no hope. Some think their life has no purpose or value. Some are bullied and are weary. Others are overcome with grief and don’t know how to live through the pain. Lord, we pray for a hedge of protection around all that are feeling this way today. We ask for you to send people to them that can help them get the help they need. Send them people who will love them and show them what they need and let them know that they are not alone. May they find hope in you Father and if they don’t know you, may they find you as their reason to live…may they come to know you as their greatest love and their only hope.

Father, so many times when we have been hurt or wronged we make poor choices…we lash out and cause problems or we can keep that anger bottled up inside and do harmful things to ourselves like self-medicate or self-harm, to take the pain away. Sometimes our choices backfire and they end up putting into effect chains of events that cause life altering changes, not only for ourselves, but those around us. Lord, please intervene for those who are lost, lonely, hurting and blind to the fact they are headed down a dangerous path that will cause consequences that will be tragic. Lord, please bind the enemy so he cannot feed the anger and bitterness and wrong thinking. Shine your light of truth and help people to be able to face their pain in healthy ways so they can heal.

Lord, sometimes our lives are effected by the actions of others… spouses or significant others leave. Some lose jobs. Friends can betray us. Family members turn their backs and walk away. There are so many things that happen to us in life that shake up our lives and worlds in an instant and no matter how badly we want things to be the way they used to be, that will never happen. Sometimes we are left Lord to do nothing but learn to accept the changes that have been inflicted upon us. The only thing we really have total control over in this life Lord is our attitude. We can’t always help people. We can’t always be an influence on people and make them see the error of their ways or to make them do the right things. We are powerless sometimes to change events and tragedies and death and loss. The only thing we can really control is how we react to all the things that happen to us. We can control what thoughts we will entertain. We can control if we will let you work in us Lord to use things for our good, or we can choose to fight you and dwell on how unfair things are.

Help us make good choices Lord. Help us to realize that our thoughts and actions all have consequences and some of them are eternal. Help us to see things through your perspective and through the lens of your love and the hope you offer. Help us to make choices that will keep us on the right, straight and narrow path. Help us to think of others and weigh our words and may we view everything in light of eternity. Lord, please bring peace and serenity as we learn to accept the things we cannot change and give us wisdom to know what we can change and what we can’t. Please go before us this day Father and meet every need. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Blessings be upon you all in Jesus name!

Much love in Him,

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Tercia permalink
    January 9, 2013 1:50 am

    Need encouragement & strenght to carry on,


    • January 9, 2013 11:38 am

      praying for you Tercia. Remember, when we are weak, He is strong in us. He carries us and gives us enough strength for the day. Blessings to you!



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