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Daily Prayer for January 11th

January 11, 2013

New Zealand Rain Forest


Good Morning Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we come before you today, we think of all the things that each of us face and we know universally, the one thing that we all need more of, is greater faith in you. Faith believes in what we can’t see. Faith is what helps us to overcome. Faith is what allows us to defeat our fears… yet, we still struggle in so many ways to trust you and have faith in you.

We all live by faith in our daily lives and we think nothing of it. We don’t even realize how much faith it takes to live in our world. Every time we get in a car, a bus, or a plane, we are trusting that the people who built these vehicles, did their job correctly. Every time we buy food from a store or go out to eat, we are trusting that the food has been prepared safely and that everything is as it seems. We assume that the sun will rise each day and set each night. So many things, even people who don’t believe in you, take on faith, without seeing they believe…but when it comes to taking you at your word, we struggle so. Please forgive us Father, for our doubts and for when we don’t trust you.

Lord, we are living in a time where we are losing faith in our leaders. We are living in a time where it is hard to trust that the things we are told are true. It is hard to know who to trust. The world seems to be spiraling out of control in so many ways, but you remain faithful and true. You never change. You never go back on your word and we see more than ever, our need to have faith in you alone, Lord.

Help us to be like the heroes of faith who went before us. They were ridiculed and mocked for their beliefs, just as many of us find ourselves being mocked today. Noah, in an act of faith built an ark on dry land. He was warned about something he couldn’t see, and acted on what he was told. By an act of faith, Abraham traveled to an unknown place that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going. By faith, barren Sarah was able to become pregnant, even though she was an old woman at the time, because she believed you would do as you promised.

Lord, help us to know you so well, that trust and faith are our first response to fear. Help our faith, so we are willing to say “Yes, Lord,” instead of arguing and bargaining with you. May our faith quench the “why’s” and the “what if’s” and the other questions that come into our minds when we don’t understand or like the things that are happening to us…we know that you are in control of all things, and for that reason we know we can trust you.

Strengthen us and our resolve Lord, so we might stand firm against all that comes against us. Help us not to fail in the days of our testing Lord. We give you our hearts. We give you our lives. We want to please you and serve you Lord and become strong, courageous men and women of faith. Please go before us now Lord, and lead and guide us, in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Blessings to you friends!
Much love,


4 Comments leave one →
  1. jericho777 permalink
    January 11, 2013 4:37 am

    Reblogged this on Jericho777's Blog.


  2. January 11, 2013 7:00 am

    Thank you Debbie. I needed to read ths today with my current circumstance.


  3. mike wright permalink
    January 14, 2013 3:22 pm

    this is great, thank you so much Debbie, these are just the right words i was needing to pray to the lord, to add to what i also was praying out to him, this is a prayer we could always say each and every day, so much is so true in all these wonderful praying words,and i know that the lord hears all of them, it just proves that the lord will always be with us as long as we want him to and help us with our daily problems that satin tries to put us through, if it was not for prayer, satin would win over all of us, but we also have to keep our faith and always pray, just to show satin who we love and as a act of faith to god


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