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Daily Prayer for January 13th

January 13, 2013

transylvania, Romania

Hello! Here is the daily prayer…

Dear Lord,

We thank you for the blessings you give us even in the midst of trials and sorrows. Help us Lord, to find the joy in this day. Help us to think on the things we have to be thankful for. We thank you for your promise that nothing will ever overtake us. We thank you that we don’t grieve as those who have no hope. We know we have a hope and a future with you that is far greater than we can imagine. We know we have a Savior that loves us unconditionally and eternally. We know that you will never leave us or forsake us. This is where our hope and our joy lies and we ask that we would see that above anything else that tries to drown out those truths in our lives .Lord, sometimes it seems like we just pray the same things over and over again…it seems like we keep coming with needs…but Lord we are people in need, we are in need of our Savior and our Lord.

You tell us to come and humble ourselves and call upon your name that we may be saved. We are calling out to you Lord and we are asking you to save us from our sin, from our hurts and from the cares and snares of this world. Save us from ourselves…save us from the self-defeating words we speak to ourselves. Save us from the hurtful words and actions that others inflict upon us. Save us from the words that are spoken in sadness and weakness that tell us things will never get better. Save us from the words that tell us there is no hope. Save us from the darkness and bring us into the light of your truth. May we bask in the glow of your peace and your hope and your love today.

Lord, help us not to waste our day today thinking on negative thoughts. Help us to find within our spirits, a faith like David. Help us to praise you even through the pain. Help us to dance in our hearts before you Lord. Help us to be so close to you that people will see what we have…may they see you are the anchor in our storms and may they be filled with hope and faith by our witness. Pour out your spirit upon us this day Lord, we commit this day to you and we lift your name on high. In the name above all names we pray, Amen.

Blessings be upon you friends!
In His love,

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