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Daily Prayer for January 16th

January 16, 2013

the garden

Hello, Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Dear Lord,

This picture reminds of the old hymn, “In the Garden.” Oh, how we could use some time being alone with you. Lord, we ask for just a few moments to be able to sit quietly with you and to feel the comfort of your presence. Lord, we know that you love to spend time with us…you long for it. You love it when we give you the best part of ourselves and our time. You are saddened when we rush to give you a few minutes here or there, or  only come to you when we need something. Worse yet, is when we are so busy trying to serve you, that we miss our time with you. Our time alone with you, is of the utmost importance to you and we thank you for that privilege we have to come to you.

Lord, please refresh our souls. May we hear your voice above the noise that causes such chaos in our thoughts and lives. May we picture a peaceful, soothing place, such as this garden, where we can just come and be with you,  learn from you and feel loved by you.  We think of how the disciples sat and ate with you…how they had  long talks with you and just enjoyed being in your presence. I’m sure that they shared laughter, as well as tears with you. How blessed they were to spend that time with you. We think about your loving kindness and compassion and how blessed we are that you tell us you are like a friend that sticks closer than a brother. What joyful moments await us…to be fully in your presence with nothing between us.

Lord, please speak to our hearts today. May your Holy Spirit intercede for the things we just don’t have the words for. You know us, you know our needs.  You see the hidden things… all the hurts, the hidden sins, the untapped potential and the blessings yet to be revealed. Nobody knows us like you do Lord. What an incredible gift to be loved unconditionally and to be accepted by you. Lord, please forgive us for anything  in our lives that might hinder our walk with you. Please help us to change the things in our lives that are not pleasing to you. May we grow in your grace and knowledge and may we take comfort knowing that one day all of our questions will be answered and everything we don’t understand here, will one day be revealed and it will all make perfect sense.

Lord, please walk closely with us, so we do not stray. Thank you for sticking with us in good times and bad and thank you for never giving up on us. We love you Lord and we just want to re-dedicate ourselves to you today. In your most precious name we pray, Amen

Blessings, hugs and love to you all!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. January 16, 2013 9:10 am

    Thank you Debbie for all your prayers. They uplife my heart, spirit and soul every morning.


    • January 16, 2013 2:30 pm

      I am blessed by you sharing that Yvonne! Thank you. Praying for you and I am happy for your good news that happened with Peg the other night.((Yvonne))


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