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Daily Prayer For January 18th

January 18, 2013



Hello! Here is the prayer for today…

Our Father,

This picture is just a vivid reminder of the beauty you’ve created for us to enjoy. How often do we just rush through our days…so overworked, too pre-occupied, or too sad to gaze out at the signs that you’ve placed all around to let us know that you are with us….to remind us that there is nowhere we can go, that you are not there. Father, this picture reminds us that there are things we need to let the sun set on in our lives. Today, may we make a conscious effort to let the sun set on…

Our pain…the things that build walls between us, instead of bridges…our hurt…our past…our sin…the things that our beyond our control…our dashed dreams…our perceived imperfections…our failures…our losses…our grudges…our anger…our bitterness…our frustration… our fear…our anxiety…the things people have said to hurt us…the disappointments that people have caused us…the unfulfilled longings…our shattered self-esteem and sense of self-worth.

Lord, help us to lay these things to rest. They do us no good…only harm. The enemy is working so hard to weigh us down….to keep us chained to heavy hearts…to make us think that there is no hope and that you don’t care. We know he’s wrong, but we carry around these heavy weights until we can’t see the light of day, we can’t see the beauty around us, we can’t see you on the horizon or anywhere at all…So, Lord, we ask that you take these things from us. We ask to bind the enemy in Jesus name. We want to cast our cares away, so we may rise with a new day in our hearts and minds. Who the Son sets free is free indeed, may we find that place of freedom in you.

Lord, help us to stop and feel your nearness today. May we be encouraged in your word. May we sing praises to you in our hearts. May we say and truly mean and feel the words, “the Lord gives and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord”. Help us to remember that you are with us in our comings and our goings and even in our times of rest. You understand us like no one else and you have only our best interest at heart. We know that you see every need and we thank you in advance for meeting those needs…we know the answers to those needs are already being prepared by you. Worthy are you to be praised. In the name above all names we pray, Amen.

Hope you have a wonderful day friends!
Much love in Him,
Debbie Kay

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