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Daily Prayer for December 21st

December 21, 2012

mt. rainier


Hello, Everyone! Here is the prayer for today…

Our Father God,

We thank you that you hold this world firmly in your hand. We look around us and know that this world did not just happen, it was all created by you. We know that you hold the stars and the heavens in place and you uphold us with your righteous hand. Lord, you alone determine the length of our days and our time on earth. You alone know the beginning and end and when the end of days shall be. We thank you Lord that we can trust you with our lives and know that you want only the best for us. Sometimes we question you, Father and we ask for forgiveness when we doubt you. We ask for forgiveness for the times when we listen to the wisdom of men, instead of Your word. We know that the wisdom of men is as foolishness to you, Lord. Help us to have courage to stand upon your truth, even when the world would say we are foolish to do so. Oh, Lord we want to love you and know you more. May we be brave in proclaiming who you are and why you came.

Lord, as we lead into Christmas with this long weekend, we ask for comfort for the hurting, the lonely, and those that are ill. May each one feel the warmth of your love surround them. Lord, we ask for divine appointments with those who need to feel the compassion and love of someone this weekend. We ask for safety for all who must travel in bad weather. We pray for light in the darkness for those who are lost. We pray for physical needs to be met and emotional strength and hope for those who are grieving.

Please go before us this day Lord. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Give us opportunities to share the good news of Christ’s birth and what that really means to a lost and dying world. We thank you for this day you’ve given us, Lord. We ask that you help us to find the joy in today and to count our blessings. We love you Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend with special moments!

Much love in Him,

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  1. Mike DeNatale permalink
    December 21, 2012 6:01 am

    Reblogged this on Blogging for Wisdom and commented:
    Here is a great prayer.


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