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Prayer For Oct. 22nd

October 22, 2016


Hello,Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Dear Heavenly Father,

We read in your Word about Moses and how he needed others to come beside him and hold his arms up when he was too weak and weary to hold them up on his own. We read how Jesus asked His disciples to pray for Him when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane …there are many passages of scripture that speak of how we need each other to carry out your work…we need each other to fight spiritual battles… you want us to  support each other …  we are all part of the same body…we all serve a unique purpose  and we all are needed for The Body to work as it should.  You tell us to encourage each other… to share the Biblical truths we learn with each other…to comfort each other with the same comfort that you give us…and to share the hope that you give us…

Father, help us to be more sensitive to the needs of those around us. We all are fighting battles where we need spiritual, mental, emotional and sometimes even physical or financial help or support. We fight so many battles on our knees with intercessory prayer…help us to become mighty prayer warriors for our friends and family, for those in ministry, for the body of Christ, for the persecuted church,  for those who protect and serve and are in the medical and emergency fields, for our leaders, for our countries, for the upcoming election and for all who don’t know you…put things on our hearts that you want us to pray about, Lord and help us to be tuned into your still small voice.

Help us to love better…please help us to love like you love…we all have difficult people in our lives…people who are always angry…people who are argumentative, demanding or self-centered…people who take offense easily or  take things wrong frequently…Lord, we need your help to love those people like you do…we need your help to not become discouraged by the toxic environment of negative emotions that seems to be so prevalent…help us to show the same grace to others that you show to us…help us to be slow to speak and slow to anger…help us to be able to forgive like Jesus and to take our thoughts captive so we don’t dwell on the negative…help us to keep our hearts and minds centered on you so we can have your peace…

Father, please move in our hearts…move among us as a body of believers…break through the barriers that are keeping us from being all we can be. We thank you in advance for all you will do. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

May the Lord’s favor and blessing be upon you!

In His love and service,

©Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted

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