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Prayer For March 17th

March 17, 2021


Hello, Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Our Father,

As people focus on this holiday’s secular symbols and traditions, may we think about the deeper, eternal truths behind this day. May we learn from Patrick’s life and legacy that healing is possible…that forgiveness is possible… that extraordinary things are possible when we have faith and courage and are obedient to you.

When Patrick was kidnapped in England and sold into slavery in Ireland, he could have become angry and bitter and despaired of life, but instead, he turned to you and found you to be his hope and strength amid his suffering and servitude. He opened his heart to you, and you used his time in captivity to change him as he prayed for hours on end. He learned to hear your voice and to trust you. After many years, you spoke to Him and showed Him a way to escape back to England. Most people would have fled and never looked back. But Patrick felt you calling him to go back to Ireland to spread the good news of the gospel to the very people who enslaved him. He lived out your instructions to “pray for those who persecute you,” and an entire country came to know of your saving grace because he was obedient and didn’t let pain, bitterness, or unforgiveness get in the way of what you called him to do.

Lord,  you know all and see all. You know there are so many things that happen that are wrong, and you know all that happens in life that isn’t fair. You know how easy it is to get discouraged, give up hope, and for our hearts to become hardened. Please us the things the enemy sends to destroy us to make us better, not bitter.  Help us learn to forgive like Jesus, Joseph and Patrick were able to do. Please work in us, so your love and Spirit change us to love our enemies and pray for those who hurt us, persecute us and mean us harm. May Patrick serve as a reminder of how you can change, transform and redeem everything we go through. You alone know how our stories end. You bring beauty from ashes and new life from death. You promise to work all things together for our good. Help us trust and believe that you are working in us and our circumstances even when you seem silent and we are surrounded by darkness. May our tests become testimonies of your goodness, faithfulness, and healing in our lives.

Please rain down your peace upon all who are hurting today. Thank you for being with us in good times and bad and for your mercy, strength, and grace that sustains us in all we face. In the name of our Savior, Jesus, we ask these things. Amen

May God’s blessings and favor be upon you, friends!

In His love,
Debbie Kay

© Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted

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  1. March 17, 2021 6:21 am


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