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Prayer For December 10th

December 10, 2013



Hello, Friends! Here is today’s prayer…

Our Father,

We thank you for your loving kindness and your patience with us. Lord, we ask that you would help us to extend that same kindness and patience towards others. Help us to learn to forgive as you have forgiven us.

So many of us have deep wounds that have been inflicted by others…some are unintentional, others were at the hands of those who wished to do us harm. Lord, no matter the reason for the pain, you long to set us free and heal us from painful memories… from hurtful words that are seared into our brains…from the wounds of rejection, abuse and bullying…from the guilt and shame that people have heaped on to us…from the sadness of neglect and abandonment…from the pain of broken promises and the ruin and damage inflicted on our lives by the sin and actions of others.

Help us to step out of the chains of bitterness, anger and unforgiveness that keep us tied to our past and to those who have hurt us. Help us to remember that wounded people, wound others…and often without even knowing. Teach us to see others through your eyes and to pray for those who persecute us… for those who have failed us, hurt us and those who continue to disappoint us. May we show grace and mercy to those who need it most and may we glorify you in all of our ways.

Help us Lord, to “clean house” in our minds to make room for thoughts, scriptures and words of encouragement that will replace the old worn out tapes and videos we keep replaying of past events that keep us stuck and unable to move forward. Father, help us to let go of anything that holds us back and keeps us from being all that you want us to be. Please bind the enemy so he can do no further damage in our lives in these areas.

You didn’t just die to set us free from sin, you died to set us free from the things that so easily beset set, entangle us and keep us constantly in pain and don’t allow us to heal. Lord, help us to find the strength, the ability, the faith and the trust that is needed to lay these things before you and leave them there once and for all. Help us to find the path to healing and wholeness, so we may experience your peace, Lord. Help us to be free from these things that for many, become their identity as well as their prison. Help us to see ourselves as you see us, which is not a victim, but a victor…an overcoming child of the King who has the same power that raised Christ from the grave, indwelling inside of them. Help us to remember that when we are weak, you are strong in us and you can do all things…nothing is impossible for you.

Oh, Lord…you give strength to the weary…hope to the hopeless… courage to those who are afraid…healing to the broken and wounded… and salvation and redemption to all of us who are so in need of a deliverer and a Savior. Lord, we come before you today and say to you, “Lord, take every part of us. Fill us to overflowing with your Holy Spirit…cleanse us from the inside out and renew a right spirit within us. Restore to us the joy of our salvation…give us more of Jesus.” Lord, thank you for your amazing grace and the redemptive power of Christ’s blood. We offer ourselves to you, Lord and praise your Holy name. In the name above all names we ask these things, Amen.

Blessings of peace and healing be upon you all!

In His love,

©Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted


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