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Prayer for April 1st

April 1, 2014

sunset birds

Hello, Friends! I’ m feeling led to re-post this prayer today…

Our Father,

We thank you for Your Word and the promises that you have given us. We can see prophesies unfolding before our eyes… and though evil and darkness are all around, if we read your Word, we know that everything is unfolding just as it was foretold it would. We know that we are close to your return. Lord, help us to live our lives with a feeling of expectancy, instead of being overwhelmed or fearful as we see bad things happening around us. You’ve prepared us and shown us what things must happen so we would not be taken by surprise. May our hearts be filled with joy, as we see that our hope in you is not misplaced…may we be filled with assurance and peace because you have made a way for those who believe…may our hearts overflow with praise for your faithfulness.

Lord, please help us to live with excited anticipation for the things you will do in our lives. You promise to deliver…to provide…to meet our needs…to give us your peace…to bind our wounds…to hear our cries…to never leave or forsake us… to go before us…we should never question “what” you will do for us… or “if” you will do for us…you have proven yourself time and again and you only want the best for us. Everything we have read, everything we have seen, shows us it’s not a matter of “if” you will fulfill your promises, it’s just a matter of “when”. Help us to rest patiently in you while we wait. Help us to let go of our own time tables and to trust that your timing is the best. Help us to learn our lessons well, so we won’t hinder your work or delay it. Help us to grow into the mature Christians you want us to be so we will not be as children in our thinking. We think of how children are on a road trip… every few minutes they ask, “are we there yet?” A few minutes is like an eternity to a child… and so often we are like that with you. We want quick resolutions to our difficulties… we don’t want to hurt, we don’t want to suffer or be in pain… we live in a world where everything needs to be quicker and faster and we usually see delays as a bad thing, but you don’t.

Father, forgive us for our impatience and frustration with you and your timing. We ask for you to help us to change our thinking so we will make the most of our “waiting time”. Help us to see the events in our lives through your eyes and to seek your plan and your vision for our lives instead of our own. Help us live our lives with eternity in mind, Lord. Help us to remember that this life is just a vapor in the scheme of things. Help us to remember the reason we are here is to share your salvation message with a lost and dying world and to glorify you and point the way to you. May our desires line up with your will, Lord and we ask for you to lead and guide us in everything we do… in all our decisions… in all we must overcome and deal with. We thank you, Lord for all you have done for us and all you are going to do. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Praying blessings of peace upon you!

In His love,

©Debbie Kay, Hope For The Broken Hearted

4 Comments leave one →
  1. permalink
    April 1, 2014 2:55 am


  2. sunbeam43 permalink
    April 1, 2014 4:13 am

    Thank you for this prayer! It could not be any more relevant!


  3. Rose Daley permalink
    April 1, 2014 8:26 am


    Sent from my iPad



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